About three hours ago Ainsley was eating goldfish and standing next to the couch. She had a goldfish in her mouth and a goldfish in each hand and I was sitting about a foot away from her. She wanted to get to me and realized her hands were full and didn't want to bend down to crawl (like she usually does) so she took a step! Then she took another half of a step as she fell on me :) It was so stinking cute! David and I agreed that it would probably be a little while before she did it again, but it was just so exciting that she did it!
Then - about an hour ago - she stood up in the middle of the room like she likes to do now. (She has been standing up in the middle of the room without any help and laughing since Monday). So, she was standing in the middle of the room and I was a few feet from her and she took 3 steps and fell into my arms!!!! It was so cute - I kept telling her how proud I was and she kept looking up at me and smiling and then hugging me.
Again, it will probably be a little while before she walks all the time, but it was so exciting that she wanted to actually do it!!!
Here we go!
12 years ago
1 comment:
SO EXCITING!!! I can't wait to see it!!!
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